Friday, September 9, 2011

The Battling Bards of An Tir - Ballad by Olaf

Battling bards of An Tir
As the sounds of battle fade from the day
And the well fought gentry’ retreat from the field
A hush falls over our camp in anticipation you
For a new battle grows nearer and nearer this
For those who are new to this game we all play
You have no understanding of why people are
feeling this way
As you wander through camp in awe of the day
Admiring the pavilions you’ve past on your way
You hear a faint sound that draws you its way.
This sound you hear in the wood where we play
At first it seems so fare away
But as you draw nearer and nearer
You know it to be instruments at play
As you quicken your step to find your way there
You listen intently to the music you hear
It draws you into a clearing to see
You have found the battling bards of An Tir.
The weapons of choice although not shield and
Are weapons designed to play beautiful chords
The battles not won by brut force or brawn
But won by good wit and sweet song
As day fades to night and a fire is lit
The warriors all gather under a great tent
Soon the battle is joined as all settle in
As one of the worriers steps up to sing
The songs that are sung are of the bold and the
Or fare maids who are left for noble campaigns
It’s not just songs that are sung but also tales told
That stirs a person deep down in their soul
As the battle rages on well into the night
The wine and mead flows from every vassal in
The lips of the meek are soon made bold by the
And they too will join into the battle this night
The only losers in this battle that rages all night
Are those who refuse to join in the fight
Some of the warriors will battle all night
And only yield the field to dawns early light
This battle that’s fought will never be won
For the warriors who fight are having too much

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