For the Love of a Rogue
© Allison Lonsdale 1987
O I was young and not such a fool
And he was handsome to look upon
And him with nothing to his name but the open road
How fast I sold my future for a song
For the love of a rogue, and the love of a rover
And I with twenty rich men’s sons who sought my hand
But I took the rogue, and I took the rover
For he wanted the lass and not the land
And not the land
O and his hair was as black as the raven
O and his eyes were as green as the open sea
And when he could have made away with all our silver
He let the other treasures lie and just took me
O and the living is lean out on the road
O and the ground is hard when you’ve only slept on down
O but the nights are warm that are not spent alone
And I would never trade my rags for any gown
And what but love could ever so make light of hunger
And what but love could ever so laugh off the cold
It’s with my rogue the wide world over I shall wander
Until someday the children may the tale hear told
Of a highborn lady and her vagabond lover
Of she who found the thought of a rich man’s bed too cold
And she’d have her rogue, and she’d have no other
For he wanted the girl and not the gold
And not the gold
For the love of a rogue, and the love of a rover
And I with twenty rich men’s sons who sought my hand
It’s with my rogue that I shall tramp the wide world over
For he wanted the lass and not the land
And not the land
One of Allison's best songs.