Monday, June 9, 2014

Lament of the Combat Archer ~ Ken Theriot

Yes, in our house the Combat Archer is a hero; it’s sad that such a 
vital and realistic element of historical combat doesn’t get the 
respect it merits. Maybe we can do something about that… 

“Your pardon, Sir, I’m sure you were 
Quite heedless of my kill, 
And never thought my arrow shot 
Struck full upon your grill; 
I just wanted to alert you, 
As a service, as I’ve said, 
A combat archer loosed a bolt 
That hit you in the head.” 

 “And who are you, when day is through, 
That you should come to me, 
A chainéd knight, with belt of white, 
And leaves of strawberry? 
I recognize no injury 
From men of lesser skill, 
So take your little bow, my man, 
And hit me where you will.” 

“Hold on, Your Grace, I know my place, 
But serf or chivalry, 
The rule’s the same within this game 
For you as well as me; 
Perhaps my King’s commander 
Or the marshal of the field 
Would like you to explain why you 
Have no intent to yield.” 

“Though you may press, there’s no redress— 
I’m on the B-oh-D; 
The autocrat wants her brass hat; 
The marshal works for me. 
I outrank each official 
Even up to your own Crown 
There’s no one you can turn to 
Who will tell me to lie down.” 

“Your Grace, I see we disagree 
In little things and great; 
I will not plead, but here concede 
The point in our debate. 
Since honor cannot move you 
To behavior just and right, 
Perhaps there is another way 
To make you see the light. 

Though next to you, I’ve titles few, 
I’ve something to confess-- 
In life mundane, I must explain, 
I’m with the IRS; 
So, unless you want an audit 
Every year until you’re dead, 
You’ll lie down when a combat archer 
Hits you in the head!” 

Words by Lisa Theriot 
Music by Ken Theriot 
© 2013, Raven Boy Music