Minstrel Fine
It's up in the morning and on my way
To marry make throughout the day
With a string or horn or wind or drum
I sing for you and I sing for fun
I wander near and I wander far
With a Wanderlust that fills my heart
And though the pickings be lean and hard
I live the life of the Bard-o live the life of bard
Well It Happened One Day by Averly
Between Fox Grove and the Briar Sea
My wagon was hailed with call to hold
By 13 men in brown and gold
The captain stepped forward with a nasty grin
And said “well bard, shall we begin?
I'll have your horse and your wagon fine
And tonight you'll sing for me and mine
Without do care for my tools or blade
They took my lead, but no fuss I made
For though they cut away my purse
They'd asked of me a song and verse
So That evening long I entertained
Of war and jest and love I sang
And I'd have left lighter and fed
but they ordered me, to the cpts bed.
I'll take anything but an insult made
Put my lute down and I drew my blade
And the captain who praised my sing song lilt
I knocked out flat with the pommel and hilt
A bard I'll be, and a minstrel fine
But my loves the dagger, so I carry nine
One for each bandit that jumped to the fray
Two in my sleeve when the rest ran away
I gathered my lute and my wagon and horse
Set out on my merry making course,
I'll give up my purse, I'll raise my voice
But I will fight if you take my choice!
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