Walk in Shadows
In the mountains south of hardwood
In the Shire I was raised
To the horns of hunting poachers
And the ocean white kissed waves
There I grew beside my true love
Playing in the forest bed
And I thought that when we grew
He would take my hand to Wed
my love he walks in shadows
Deeper in the forest free
And one day When he went walking
Met a lonely lennan sidhe
Hair a mass of golden sunlight
Eyes a dark and Emerald Sheen
Ruby lips over her Fang bite
Gowned in a pinning green
Slowly seeming over hours
My love returned and took two pen
And he wrote under her glamour
Words to charm the hearts of men
How I weeped to see him happy
Eyes of glass and smile of rose
Always caught up in a story
Or sunk deep in musing throws
And I watched her stand beside him
Inspiration at a cost
Was it Fate or by her own whim
That she chose the man I lost.
Now he's waning in the moonlight
Hands that quiver, heart that quake
he is wild and feverbright eyed
And I watch my own heart break
They return into the woodland
And I follow where she tread
Till I came upon that deep glen
and my true love sleeping dead.